Our Rose Gold Heart Balloon Bouquet is the perfect way to add a touch of elegance to any celebration. This bouquet consists of 1 rose gold heart foil balloon (Size: 18), 2 rose gold rubber balloons, and 2 confetti dots gold balloons, all filled with helium for your convenience. Measuring XX inches in diameter, they’re the perfect size to create a beautiful centerpiece or decoration. The balloons are made of high-quality materials to ensure they last throughout the festivities. The bouquet is tied to a balloon weight, making it easy to display. Simply inflate with helium and watch as they add a touch of sophistication to your celebration. It’s the perfect addition to any birthday party, anniversary, or special occasion decor.
- Rose Gold Heart Balloon Bouquet
- Includes 1 rose gold heart foil balloon, 2 rose gold rubber balloons, and 2 confetti dots gold balloons
- Filled with helium and tied to a balloon weight
- Perfect for adding elegance to your celebration
- High-quality materials ensure longevity